domingo, octubre 14

Came home to a new smell tonight.

Fact: A watermelon safely esconded under a sink (or any other dark and damp area, I would guess) would, after a period of, say, 3 - 4 weeks develop a distinct odour as the innards slowly gave in to let acid do as acid away at rinds and such things leaving the unsuspecting house guest (that´d be me) rather shocked to find such wonderful treasures after 4 days of travel. I would have taken a photo except I just didn´t feel like wiping on my new UPF 30+ pants the wretched watermelong juice that was, rather disgustingly, an unforeseen consequence of outstretching my arms (in a loving act of kindness) to the poor dark, damp, and lonely watermelon. Ah, you may ask: why didn´t you just wash your hands? Yes, that would have been a novel idea...the water has been turned off by the municipality for the evening. Well, at least I hope it is only for the evening! So, no picture of soggy watermelon innards. Sorry.

I do, however, have a picture of

On Wednesday while I was taking an evening shower, I heard a suspiciously birdlike flapping sound in the hallway. I continued my shower and thought nothing of it until I exited the bathroom to find a wonderful murciélago as a visitor. I left him/her alone and carried on with my nightly emails and phone conversations. Then, as I am talking to Nadeige on Skype (thus necessitating that I sit in proximity to the computer), the little rodent flies right at my head. He hid himself right under the monitor screen. I was totally grossed out but wanted to continue enjoying my rare opportunity with a good satellite signal. So, I sat on the ground. When the conversation was over, however, you can bet your phrending-fine bottom that I was out the door asking Danilo´s assistance to dispose of it. Silly Hondureño nightwatchmen. To "help a silly American with a bat" must mean (or means to this particular man) "to kill an unwanted and rodent" as that´s exactly what Danilo did, with a newspaper. Don´t worry. I´ve adequately wiped all surfaces with pure bleach, pure Danilo´s suggestion.

Fact: Bats do not make good house pets.

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