jueves, agosto 14

Welcome to Michigan

First trip to the Michigan Welcome Center as a visitor and tourist!

Michigan State University smokestack (constructed when it was still Michigan State College). This building and the new stadium are directly across from my academic building, Wells Hall.

Boat sailing into the sunset in Holland, MI (we were watching with our beach-approved camp fire for s'mores...with rancid graham crackers...oops!)

Random, but fun sign I saw in Grand Ledge at a nursing home.

Summer 2008

I returned from Honduras on May 14th, 2008 at 22:30. Dad and Carolyn met me at the airport in Tampa and we headed back to Spring Hill. Sunday was a day of sorting, packing, and laundry. Monday morning I shoved off, heading to Atlanta. Since then it has been whirlwind summer. I can't believe that I am now in my new apartment in East Lansing!

Below are some photos and stories from along the way.


I arrived in Atlanta early evening on Monday. When Neal returned from work, we met up with some of Neal's friends and then headed to the Braves game. Fighting off the mozzies, we had a great time; I learned that you can bring food into the stadium as long as it isn't a tinned beverage!

Tuesday we attempted bar trivia with a small group. Considering I have almost no trivia ability, I think we did quite well (though we would have done better if we'd gone with Athlete's Foot for the challenge question).

Wednesday we saw went to Sweetwater Brewery (they have some yummy BLUE beer) and then saw the new Sex and the City movie.
Sweetwater beer tasting

Thursday was Asia night, involving a trip on the fancy MARTA and then dinner and karaoke in the Buford area.
We ordered, or attempted to order, our favorite dishes in Mandarin

Johnson City.

Friday morning was an early rise (4) with a 5.5 hour drive to Johnson City, TN. I had the chance to chat with several of my professors from my undergrad years and to see the remodeling and construction on campus. I even got a haircut from my favorite stylist in town!!

New Culp interior

New dorm where Frank Clement used to be.

Fallen locks.

Friday night, Lindy and I ate at Cootie Brown's and then chatted. With good intentions, we put on a movie. I might have made it through the opening credits, though I am not sure I even remember those.

Saturday was a surprise--we had the chance to meet up with Joe who was back from India early. We made an appearance at the Blue Plum Festival just long enough for Lindy and Bridget to get henna tattoos. Then, we got the great idea (Joe didn't think so but went along for company) to eat at Sahib, an Indian Restaurant.


Saturday evening I left JoCy and headed for Asheville where I met up with LeighAnne. We had a good visit and catching-up session. We attempted, and failed, to visit downtown. There was a huge festival that prevented parking, even in paid lots. Sunday morning we got up and headed downtown where we poked around before finding an old soda fountain.


Sunday afternoon I left Asheville and drove to Charleston, S.C. to meet up with Jewel. Her parents recently moved into a new house that is right on the river (with a dock and all). Sunday evening we watched the sun set right off the dock. There are not many things in this world more beautiful than this: good company and the awesomeness of nature.

Over the course of four days, we visited King St. and ate at (quite possibly) the best pizza joint ever, Andolini's. Also had some down-home cooking at a place I have since forgotten the name (Jewel, help!). We met up with some of Jewel's middle school mates (if you can believe that...brought to you by the wonders of Facebook), one of which is an U.S. militiaman who attempted to insult me by calling me a "brainwashed liberal." haha. Good times.

Revisitng Jewel's childhood, outside of a good burger/ice cream joint.

Nags Head: Surfing.

From Charleston I made the drive over to Nags Head where I spent some quality time in the water learning how to surf. The fires were still raging in the swamps and blowing smoke in, so this limited our outdoor activities on several days. But, I still managed to get in about 6 days of surfing, 4 on a soft board and 2 on a normal, hard one.
Bodie Lighthouse


In Sandbridge I visited with Hank and Connie and had the best damn pancakes I've ever had (fresh blueberries and peaches). Connie and I visited the Back Bay Nature Preserve and even headed over to False Cape State Park (which doesn't allow any vehicles...saw the graveyard and steeple from the community that once lived there). As already stated, we also went over and helped Chris stage some vodka bottling for a newspaper piece.

Hank and Chris bottle BlueRidge vodka.


From Sandbridge I shot over to Roanoke to visit Becky. We farted around at a horse show until some Roanoke city officials saw us and gave us free seats to the INSIDE of the show. Knowing nothing about equestrian sport, all I can say is that I saw some horses prance around and jump over poles and plants. It was interesting, though. Becky and I also got in some good runs and made plans for a Christmastime race, if possible.

Smith Mountain Lake.

After Roanoke, I made a short visit to Smith Mountain Lake where I met up with Linwood, my boss and founder of the Friends of Barnabas Foundation. We had a nice morning of sailing where I learned just enough to make me want more, more, more.

Floating dock/church. Home of SML's "Boat Church"


I then spent a few relaxing weeks in Richmond where I visited with my brother and his family as well as caught up with some friends, old and new. Biked in Ashland, kayaked on the James, petted donkeys at Maymont, and learned at Chapel Hill (Patrick Henry's "Give me Liberty or give me death").


In one last hurrah before heading north, I drove down to Charlotte to meet Kate. The last time we had seen each other was on the day of my graduation in 2006, so we spent a good bit of the weekend catching up. We did a walking tour of the gorgeous downtown area and parks. We ate Ethiopian, gazpacho, and fried pickles (though not in the same meal). I tried to get Kate psyched about surfing Lake Michigan in December. It remains to be seen whether or not that actually worked. haha.

Then, I made the trek northward to Michigan...where summer ends and school begins!

Last Pics from Honduras

Back on the ranch. . .

If you don't succeed, try again. Danilo flashes our second crop of carrots! Yumminess.

Last community visit: Potreros
Post-op visit: Francisco (a cleft-lip/palate patient) with mother and older brother.

Chela's, the community hat maker's, house

Visiting Eduardo.
Eduardo is just a little ticklish.

Annie's 3rd Birthday party.

Gotta love the icing.

May: Substitute teaching at Lago de Yojoa Bilingual School, Kindergarten.

The classroom doorThe Boys: Nestor, Reginald, Adan, Miguelito, Erik, Antony

The classroom (with half the students absent)

lunes, julio 7

Visiting Sandbridge

Haven't been updating this in a while...will do that when I hook-up the ole camera.

For now, here's a link to one activity from one day from this summer.

martes, abril 29

Cleft-Lip and Palate Surgical Team

Thursday: Clinical Screening at BH

Francisco loves Aguazul water.

Nelson concentrates.

Isabel flirts.

Eduardo plays.

Funalito waits.

Friday: First Day of Surgery at Hospital Evangélico

OR table ready!

Monitors ready!

Patient ready!

Kara starts the IV

Day Two-Four: Art Therapy

Nelson and papá color

Nolvia enjoys warm fuzzies and fingerpaint.

Mom waiting for news of a successful surgery.

Art supplies.

Idalia gives Bond a pre-op high five.

domingo, abril 13

Experiment Failed

I broke down. Didn't make the thirty days. But, I DO have a new-found appreciation for all things electrical.

Here are some of those promised photos.

Head at Copán Ruinas

Copán Ruinas

Temple at Copán Ruinas


Renewal Ceremony, Copán Ruinas

Cacao Bean

At Guacamaya (Macaw) Bird Park, Copán

Fresh cardamom

Horseback riding

Easter dinner