martes, marzo 4

My dad flew in on Saturday. We visited a beautiful coffee plantation on Sunday, brushed elbows with the likes of 5 year-old coffee plants, nibbled on succulent ripe berries, and breathed in marvelously fresh mountain air. It was a Sound of Music excursion, but take away the open spaced-singing and twirling and replace it with coffee bushed-translations.

other exciting phenomenon...

My awesome father (with the help of a pretty nifty stepmother) brought me some purdy snazzy books...

I just finished reading A Series of Unfortunate Events No.1: The Bad Beginnings or, Orphans! which is great. Really. I have no shame at admiting that I have spent the last three evenings laughing over a 142-paged children's book (and its serial supplement entitled, "The Cornucopian Cavalcade"). You should all go out and start the series, if you have been so unfortunate as to pass this far in your life without yet discovery it. (oh, and by the way, check out Michael Kupperman as well. He is, according to HaperCollins, "an artist generally thought to be steadily approaching renown").


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