martes, octubre 30

The Honduran Ginger plant. You needn´t eat it, it isn´t really ginger.

Lago de Yojoa. This lake is a 10 min. drive from Barnabas House. It is the only natural freshwater lake in Honduras. They farm tilapia here! I say it is yummy (despite evidence of high mercury counts...)

A passing truck on the way back from San Pedro Sula.

I took this on Thursday coming down from the mountain where Puerto del Potrero lies. The clouds had just descended and it was breathtaking. It only took me 40 tries or so to get a good picture while we were bumping along in the bus.

Fani--daughter of the Puerto del Potrero´s community leader. As soon as we arrived, she helped us unload. It wasn´t but 10 minutes later that she was reciting her favorite Bible verses. During the course of the day, we got her story. She and her 8 brothers and sisters live with their father; her mother ran off with her father´s brother about 6 months´ ago.

domingo, octubre 28

Shopping in SAP

In preparation for the upcoming brigade, Elmer and I trekked to San Pedro Sula to do three months´ worth of grocery shopping. The trip took about 10.5 hrs. It was insane. The first stop was a discount grocery. To give you an idea of our quantities, we purchased 6 cases of 20 oz. sodas, 6 cases of 3-liters, 6 gallons of juice, 6 gallons of milk, 25 loaves of bread, and a lot of meat. That store was 5 full carts of food. Then, we stopped to get checks at the office. Next was a cell phone repair shoppe. Then, another grocery store for produce and more meat. Finally, a medical supply store. We left Peña Blanca at 10 a.m and returned at 8:35 pm. Whew!

domingo, octubre 14

Came home to a new smell tonight.

Fact: A watermelon safely esconded under a sink (or any other dark and damp area, I would guess) would, after a period of, say, 3 - 4 weeks develop a distinct odour as the innards slowly gave in to let acid do as acid away at rinds and such things leaving the unsuspecting house guest (that´d be me) rather shocked to find such wonderful treasures after 4 days of travel. I would have taken a photo except I just didn´t feel like wiping on my new UPF 30+ pants the wretched watermelong juice that was, rather disgustingly, an unforeseen consequence of outstretching my arms (in a loving act of kindness) to the poor dark, damp, and lonely watermelon. Ah, you may ask: why didn´t you just wash your hands? Yes, that would have been a novel idea...the water has been turned off by the municipality for the evening. Well, at least I hope it is only for the evening! So, no picture of soggy watermelon innards. Sorry.

I do, however, have a picture of

On Wednesday while I was taking an evening shower, I heard a suspiciously birdlike flapping sound in the hallway. I continued my shower and thought nothing of it until I exited the bathroom to find a wonderful murciélago as a visitor. I left him/her alone and carried on with my nightly emails and phone conversations. Then, as I am talking to Nadeige on Skype (thus necessitating that I sit in proximity to the computer), the little rodent flies right at my head. He hid himself right under the monitor screen. I was totally grossed out but wanted to continue enjoying my rare opportunity with a good satellite signal. So, I sat on the ground. When the conversation was over, however, you can bet your phrending-fine bottom that I was out the door asking Danilo´s assistance to dispose of it. Silly Hondureño nightwatchmen. To "help a silly American with a bat" must mean (or means to this particular man) "to kill an unwanted and rodent" as that´s exactly what Danilo did, with a newspaper. Don´t worry. I´ve adequately wiped all surfaces with pure bleach, pure Danilo´s suggestion.

Fact: Bats do not make good house pets.

miércoles, octubre 3

Curiously Strong

Fact: Altoids do no taste good after one brushes his or her teeth
(Friday night Fun Fest in the Guy´s Room...gosh, that sounds sketchy...Kathie, Sue, Dr. Joe, Dr. Jim, Eric, Kevin and I were innocently sharing/swaping photos from the week)